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ILux Treatment

ILux Treatment

Meibomian Gland Expression

Our eye doctor will remove the meibofilm (biofilm mixed with diseased meibum) from your meibomian glands. This is critical to effectively treating your blepharitis and dry eyes. Doing so eliminates the inflammatory toxins that are being produced within the glands.

What is MGD?

Every time you blink, a protective layer of moisture called the tear film coats the front surface of your eye. An essential part of the tear film is an oily layer called meibum. MGD occurs when the meibomian glands that produce meibum get blocked or the secreted meibum is of poor quality and the aqueous part of the tears evaporate, as there is no oily layer to protect them.

Focusing on innovation on Dry Eye treatment

MGD is a chronic disease caused by deficiencies in the quantity and quality of meibum within the tear film. As sufferers struggle with symptoms such as dryness and irritation, many try to treat the problem themselves with artificial tears but may still experience dry eye symptoms.


Ilux Tratment for MGD
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